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    What is in Bovine Colostrum?

    ADVANTAGE+ Immune Support colostrum is packed with important immunoglobulins (antibodies), immune factors (proteins and protein fragments), proline-rich polypeptides (PRP’s) and other various components that function in sync in a way that complements our ability to search, fight and destroy disease-causing pathogens.

    A list of some of the components found in colostrum is included below.  There are also various nutritional components including vitamins, minerals, essential fats and bulk proteins.  Bovine colostrum is essentially bio-identical to human colostrum with the exception of the amounts of some components such as IgG and IgA. This list is meant to provide further education to our readers however we encourage all people interested in the topic of colostrum and its value as a natural food to continue their research and discovery.



    Important components found in bovine colostrum


    (Definition:   A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life)

    ·         Vitamins -  A, B12, C, E, riboflavin, folic acid, choline

    ·         Minerals -  selenium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron

    ·         Fatty acids – concentrated linoleic acid (CLA), omega 3’s

    ·         Proline-rich polypeptides (PRP’s)

    ·         Enzymes – Calatase

    ·         Glutamine

    ·         Lactose


    Growth Factors

    (Definition: A substance, such as a vitamin or hormone, that is required for the stimulation of growth in living cells)

    ·         Epidermal GF

    ·         Erythropoietin

    ·         Growth hormone

    ·         Hepatocyte GF

    ·         Insulin

    ·         Insulin like GF-I

    ·         Insulin like GF-II

    ·         Transforming GF a

    ·         Transforming GF B family

    ·         Platelet-derived GF

    ·         Transforming growth factor a

    ·         Transforming growth factor B family

    ·         Vascular endothelial GF

    ·         Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)



    (Definition:  A small protein released by cells that has a specific effect on the interactions between cells, on communications between cells or on the behaviour of cells. The cytokines includes the interleukins, lymphokines and cell signal molecules, such as tumour necrosis factor and the interferons, which trigger inflammation and respond to infections).

    ·         Colony stimulating factors

    ·         Interferon y

    ·         Interleukin 1B

    ·         Interleukin – 6

    ·         Interleukin – 10

    ·         Interleukin – 12

    ·         Interleukin – 18

    ·         Interleukin – 1 receptor antagonist

    ·         Tumour necrosis factor a

    Immune Factors & Regulators & Anti-Microbials

    ·         B – defensin family, family of proteins Casein and whey proteins

    ·         Cathelicidin family of proteins

    ·         Complement system proteins

    ·         Immunoglobulins (antibodies) G, M, and A

    ·         Lactoperoxidase

    ·         Lactoferrin

    ·         Lysozyme

    ·         A Lactalbumin

    ·         Nucleotides/nucleosides


    Immunoglobulins play an integral role as defence against pathogens as they function as antibodies. They are active against bacteria, inflammation, and virus. Bovine colostrum is composed of immunoglobulins IgG (70-80%), IgA (10-15%), IgM (10-15%), IgE (trace amounts) and IgD (trace amounts).


    Principle roles of the key immunoglobulins

    ·         IgG – principal immunoglobulin in bovine colostrum; primary function is to identify and help destroy invading pathogen microbes

    ·         IgA – is the first line of defence, protects mucosal surfaces and prevents the attachment of pathogens to them

    ·         IgM – is the first to fight and enhances phagocytosis by destroying invading pathogens

    ·         IgE – involved in the allergic reaction and histamine-associated allergic reaction; also involved in active defence against enteric parasites

    ·         IgD – stimulates lymphocytes to produce antibodies by presenting antigens to them

    Other immune factors


    Acting as the first line of defence against pathogens, it is an antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, iron-binding protein with therapeutic effects in cancer, HIV, Cytomegalovirus, herpes, chronic fatigue syndrome, Candida albicans, and other infections.


    Functions include:

    ·         First line of defence against pathogens

    ·         A potent anti-microbial against bacteria, viruses, and fungi

    ·         Helps to inhibit the inflammatory response to infection

    ·         Modulator for immune system

    ·         Regulates bone metabolism, involved in reproductive function


    Lysozyme - helps to degrade the outer membranes of bacteria and acts as an immune booster capable of destroying bacteria and viruses.

    Lactoperoxidase - helps to kill bacteria.

    Growth Factors

    Growth factors act to repair damage to the gut lining that might result in Leaky Gut Syndrome.  Their main function is to regulate the growth and development of cells.  Growth factors also play a key role in wound healing and the repair of broken bones, injured tendons and ligaments.


    ·         Colony-stimulating Factor-1 – helps to remove dead pathogens and debris from infection

    ·         Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) – helps to maintain gut wellness, proper permeability and stimulates wound healing

    ·         Fibrolast Growth  Factor (FGF) – promotes wound healing and healing of ulcers

    ·         Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) – regulates cell growth and development to speed the healing of bones and increases muscle mass in response to muscle overloading

    ·         Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBP) – regulates the activity of (IGF) in the body

    ·         Platelet-derived Growth Factor – plays a role in bone metabolism, formation of blood vessels, helps in wound and ulcer healing

    ·         Transforming Growth Factor – alpha (TGF- Description: http://img.printfection.com/14/127673/tob8p.jpg) Stimulates epithelial development and neural development in the injured brain

    ·         Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF- Description: http://codinghorror.typepad.com/.a/6a0120a85dcdae970b012877705e3b970c-pi) Important in the development of cartilage and bone

    ·         Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) – provides blood supply to damaged areas to aid in healing

    ·         Lactalbumin – found to be able to cause the selective death of cancer cells, leaving non-cancerous tissues unaffected

    ·         Lactobacillus, Bifidus, Acidophilus – reduces the growth of harmful bacteria in the digestive system

    ·         Vitamins and Minerals – not sufficient as a supplement.  Vitamins A, B12, and E are found in small amounts, while traces are others are present

    ·         Sulfer – for metabolism and as part of structural body proteins

    ·         Trypsin Inhibitors and Protease Inhibitors – prevents the destruction of immune and growth factors from being broken down in the gastro-intestinal tract. Aids in treatment of peptic ulcers

    ·         Lymphokines – mediates the immune response

    ·         Oligopolysaccharides and Glycoconjugates – attracts and binds to pathogens preventing them from attaching or entering the mucous membranes

    ·         Cytokines – exerts either a pro- or anti-inflammatory effect on the immune system as conditions require.  Family of cytokines include:  interleukin – I (IL-1), IL-IDescription: http://codinghorror.typepad.com/.a/6a0120a85dcdae970b012877705e3b970c-pi, IL-Ira, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-16, IL-18, interferon-gamma (INF-y), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-Description: http://img.printfection.com/14/127673/tob8p.jpg) and TNF-Description: http://img.printfection.com/14/127673/tob8p.jpgreceptors.

    ·         Proline-rich Polypeptides (PRPs) – modulate the immune system, turning it up when needed to fight an infection, or turning it down when it is overactive as in the case of autoimmune disorders.

    ·         Defensins – kill bacterial cell membranes

    ·         Toll-like Receptors – helps the immune system to recognize new pathogens

    ·         Cathelicidin-derived Antimicrobial Peptide – antimicrobial activity and effective against opportunistic pathogens found in AIDS, and cystic fibrosis

    ·         Glycoproteins – inhibit pathogen binding to gut lining cells

    ·         Kappa-caseino Glycomacropeptide – interferes with the binding of viruses and bacteria to the intestine

    ·         Fatty Acid Binding Protein – coordinates inflammatory activity and cholesterol uptake

    ·         . Description: http://codinghorror.typepad.com/.a/6a0120a85dcdae970b012877705e3b970c-pi-lactoglobulin – antimicrobial and antiviral

    ·         Orosomucoids – anti-inflammatory mediator and inhibits the effect of histamine

    ·         Clusterin – steers proteins into cells

    ·         Haemopexin – acts as an antioxidant, known to suppress tumor growth, anti-inflammatory

    ·         Haptoglobin – prevents haemoglobin-induced oxidative damage to healthy tissue

    ·         Nucleotides – humoral and cellular immunity


    ·         EPO – stimulates red blood cell production

    ·         Estrogen – appears to be an artifact of maternal serum

    ·         Gonadotropin-releasing hormone - appears to be an artifact of maternal serum

    ·         Growth Hormone – promotes body growth, fat mobilization and inhibits glucose utilization

    ·         Insulin – promotes glucose utilization, protein synthesis and storage

    ·         Leptin – curbs appetites

    ·         Melatonin – controls circadian rhythms

    ·         Procalcitonin/Calcitonin/Thyrotropin – deposits calcium and phosphate in bone and lowers their levels in blood

    ·         Progesterone - appears to be an artifact of maternal serum

    ·         Prolactin - appears to be an artifact of maternal serum

    ·         Relaxin - appears to be an artifact of maternal serum

    ·         Somatostatin – inhibits the release of somatotropin and the release of insulin and gastrin

    ·         Thyrotropin-releasing Hormone (TRH) - appears to be an artifact of maternal serum

    ·         ACE inhibitors – cardiovascular health

    ·         Thrombospondin – cell to cell matrix communication, tissue repair, inhibitor of tumor growth, coagulation and anticoagulant factors in blood

    ·         Kappa-caseino glycomacropeptide – prevents the formation of arterial blood clots




    Digestive Enzymes and Proteins

    Inhibit the action of digestive enzymes, allowing the contents of colostrum to reach their targets with significant degradation. Enzymes basically function to facilitate chemical reactions in the body.



    Fats are beneficial to the regulation of our blood sugar levels and appetite.


    Beneficial Activities of Colostrum Ingredients




    The above information is provided for the purpose of providing information about ADVANTAGE+ This  product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease except as may be recommended by a health care professional.  The above information is not intended to, nor should it, replace the services or recommendations of a physician or other qualified health care professional. We encourage you to speak to your health care professionals about our product and to follow their advice and recommendations. Individuals with specific health problems or who are pregnant are advised to consult their physician before taking colostrum.